General Complaints
  • Visit Client Unit or Call Client Service Officer

  • Lodge your complaint verbally or in writing

  • Leave your contact Number or Address with CSO

  • Wait for a feedback within five working days

  • Report issues directly to DCD/DCE/PM if not satisfied with first response.
  • One to Five Working Days
    Specific Complaint
  • Visit client Unit or Call Client Service Officer

  • Lodge your complaint verbally or written to PRCC

  • Leave your contact Number Or Address with CSO

  • Wait for feedback within five working days

  • Report issues directly to DCD/DCE/PM if not satisfied with first response
  • Within two weeks
    Courtesy call on DCE / DCD
  • Report at reception for direction to DCE/DCD

  • Register at DCE/DCD Secretariat
  • Within 10 minutes waiting time
  • Indicate purpose of visit (official/private/personal)

  • Wait for your turn at the DCE/DCD Secretariat

  • Sign-out at DCE/DCD Secretariat on your way out
  • Content